How Folding Gate Can Keep Your Property Windows And Doors Secure

To make your property secure, Installing folding gate on your window and doors is one of the essential security steps to keep intruders out. Folding security gates are easy to install, offer a high level of protection against break ins, and look good. Folding gate permanently attaches to the sides of an door and window and has a drop pin in the middle for extra stability. It can be used as pair folding gate for wider opening. It can be pivoted on vertical gate rails when an opening is necessary. Here’s all you need to know about boosting windows and doors and doors security with folding gates.

If you’ve ever been the victim of a break in, or seen it happen to a relative, friend or neighbour, you know what a devastating occurrence it can be. Not only is there the loss of valuable possessions but also the mess to clear up, the lingering fear, the tedious hours spent at police stations, and the sense of violation. The sad fact is, though, that most burglaries would never have happened if the property owner had taken some precautions by boosting window and door security, for instance.

Simply put, you are ten times more likely to be burgled if you dont have basic security – even something as simple as putting strong locks on your doors and windows and doors will keep your house much safer. But why stop there? If you really want to make your property virtually impregnable, look into installing folding gates on your windows and doors.

Perfect for both commercial and domestic applications, folding security gates give your unparallel windows and doors and doors security by sliding into place behind your windows and doors and creating a strong barrier against intruders. Also known as sliding gates, retractable gates, collapsible gates and concertina gates, they slide away behind the curtains when not in use. These gates are also available for doors.

These gates are crafted from a range of materials with Powder coated Steel being the material of choice owing to its unmatched blend of strength and durability.

A great feature of these gates is that even when in position they allow the flow of air for ventilation. In other words, they keep the bad guys out while allowing light and fresh air in. In the summer, you can leave your windows and doors open with no reduction in security.
What’s more, folding gates require minimal maintenance and take up little space, just a little bunching at the sides and some headroom above.

You can choose from a range of folding gates of varying security levels depending on your needs. Using gates in a home which is usually occupied for example doesn’t require the security level of business premises containing valuable possessions and which may be unattended overnight or over the weekend.

The great thing is that they’re a visual deterrent. So the sight of these gates will probably dissuade the would-be burglar from even attempting to break in. This should prevent the damaged windows and doors that can result from a botched break in attempt.

Another benefit of these folding gates is that they look good, too. You can get them in a range of style including vertical, horizontal or diamond lattice designs. They’re usually supplied in a powder-coated white finish. You can however choose a powder coating of any standard colour with either a gloss or matt finish. This way, you can match your new gates to the existing decor of your property. In other words, folding security grilles form an effective barrier against intruders, while maintaining the original appearance of the building.

This ability to offer security while maintaining the original appearance of the building is especially useful for the offices of professional firms such as solicitors, accountants and estate agents. For such firms, it’s important to maintain a professional image at all times but also need high security as they keep sensitive client documents on the premises. Folding gates work perfectly here. They slide into place to offer protection when the office is closed and they slide out of side when not in use.

Folding gates also offer ease of installation. They’re usually installed internally, cause minimum disruption, and generally don’t require planning permission.

Installing folding security gates is the best thing you can do to make your property safe and you can choose matching gates for your doors. Check out the wide range of accessories and hardware for folding gate installation available online and request a quotation today from a reputable online supplier and make windows and doors security a reality for your home or business. As a final plus, you may well get a reduction in your insurance premiums.